Tuesday, January 20, 2009



Okay guys, I had an idea. The biggest problem with Pat's blog is the lack of feedback, which is what makes this blog great - I love the dialogs. That is why I have created a replacement for the blog since Jim needs to concentrate on other things.

The format that I have chosen is that of a message board or forum. That way, it's COMPLETELY driven by you - the readers and community. When something happens that you want to discuss, create a new posting. People will be able to comment on it. I will do it as often as I can as well.

The rules are simple: I will try to be fair, but will delete anything that is too obscene, insulting, or inappropriate. 

The message board is located at:


Friday, January 16, 2009

Time To Say Goodbye

This will probably be my last entry for this blog, at least for a while.  This constitutes the 260th entry in this blog since I started it in December of 2007.  That’s a lot of work and a lot of time spent; time I can no longer afford.  I could have written a novel in the same amount of time.  I also have no idea how many people actually read this blog, so I have no idea if it was ever effective.

Time is the problem.  With two children in college next year my main focus should be on making enough money to pay for that.  This blog takes up a whole lot of time, but I thought it was important to give readers a perspective of what was really happening at the MVFD, and not what Mr. DeAngelis published on his website.  I also thought it was important to allow others to post comments, something Mr. DeAngelis does not allow. To sit here day after day and try to counter Mr. DeAngelis’s posts with the truth seems to be a futile exercise, and I have better things to do, and more positive energy that could be directed elsewhere.

I don’t know what happened with Mr. DeAngelis. In 2005, he and a small group of others tried to turn things around in a positive way for Middlebury. For so many years Middlebury residents sat silently and watched their taxes go through the roof. Although I was not part of Campaign 2005, I respected what they were trying to accomplish.  What he is trying to do now, is not positive and I see nothing beneficial about blasting Paul Perrotti and the MVFD on a daily basis. 

As stated above this blog was focused on the truth of what was going on at the MVFD.  Many of the readers wanted it to expand to what was happening in Middlebury as a whole.  I was not in a position to write about any of that, since I don’t know what is happening in Middlebury politics.  I am not part of it, nor do I want to become part of it.

For those who want to continue these discussions, you should start your own blog.  It is very easy to do.  You go to http://www.blogger.com and sign up.  Its free, and the interface is very intuitive.  You can post the link here for others to see it if you want.

Thank you to those who appreciated what we were trying to do here, and those who contributed thoughtful and articulate comments.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

More Lies

“At the Fire House Meeting on Monday, Half Chief

Perrotti said that the "officers" would chip in on the 

phone bill...wait we thought that no officers got paid, 

so what are they "chipping in"?...

        According to the email accounts provided to OMP by people who 

were at the meeting at the fire house meeting on Monday night 

Half Chief Perrotti was very agitated about the ridiculously high 

cell phone bill and stated that the officers would have to help pay 

for the cell phone bills because not all the calls are HIS.

    Well, first of all, according to the IRS filing we thought that 

Perrotti said that officers DON'T get paid so why are they 

"chipping" in. And secondly, take a good look at who is making 90 

percent of the calls.”

An absolute lie. Nothing of the sort occurred. Mr. DeAngelis should get his facts straight, but he continues to post attacks against the MVFD and its Chief that are completely untrue. He also keeps alluding that there is something wrong with the MVFD IRS tax return, prepared by Lenkowski, Lonergan, and Co.  The MVFD pays this firm to prepare the tax return and to audit the MVFD books each year. 

As stated in yesterday’s post; each MVFD cell phone gets a set number of minutes.  If an officer goes over his alloted minutes, he is required to pay for the overage out of his own pocket.  He is not paying for anyone else’s phone. That has been the policy since the cell phones were first put into use by the MVFD. No one is “chipping in” anything.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Wrong About Cell Phone Bill

“Why was the MVFD Sprint cell phone bill for April 27-May 26, 2007 $2283.90?  Is this why Perrotti won't keep his word and provide the copies we have already paid for? FOI was made aware of this yesterday.”

Wrong again.  Apparently, Mr. DeAngelis had difficulty reading the statement. The MVFD cell phone charges did not come to $2283.90 for the period between April 27 and May 26, 2007.

In addition cell phone records as far as I know are not subject to FOI.  The statements may be, but not the actual call-by-call record.

In addition the MVFD cell phone bill is not paid through taxpayer money. The MVFD Inc. pays that bill.  

The cell phones have proven to be an invaluable tool for officers to quickly communicate with each other. The cell phones have also made the Fire Chief extremely accessible to the public.  If you need to speak with the Chief he is almost instantly available. This brings the level of service the MVFD can provide Middlebury residents to a much higher level.

Yes Virginia the phone call bills from Sprint are itemized. If 

the officers and men at the Fire Dept. had any onions at all they 

would simply request copies of the phone bills from Sprint for 

2007. On the other hand FOI has assured us that our copies of the 

phone bills are "on the way."”

The information regarding any MVFD bill is available to any member at any time. It is not about onions, it is about having the correct information. Mr. DeAngelis does not have the correct information, and does not report the correct information on his website.

There is a set number of minutes alloted to each MVFD phone.  If the person in possession of the phone goes over the minutes, he is responsible for paying the difference.  This is the same policy as the PD and I believe the Public Works have, with one exception. Taxpayers are paying for the PD and PW phones, but are not paying for the MVFD phones. Since Mr. DeAngelis, as a taxpayer, has no financial stake in this matter, I wonder why he spends so much time looking into it?

The Chief is allocated more minutes than the rest of the officers, because his duties require it.  Paul Perrotti is not only Chief of the Department, but head of Emergency Management as well. These duties are 24/7, 365 days a year.  In a post 9-11 world the amount of work Chief Perrotti is responsible for, has exponentially skyrocketed each and every year.  Chief Perrotti  has set high standards for himself and his position, and if  these standards are compromised, will result in a lower quality of service the MVFD provides Middlebury residents.

On top of that, Chief Perrotti is not a full-time paid Chief. If that were so, he could sit at his desk all day long making phone calls from Fire HQ. But, since Chief Perrotti works for a living, he must take his job as Chief where ever he goes, and you can’t do that unless you have a cell phone.

Monday, January 12, 2009

It Is What It Is

From Republican/American  January 12, 2009

 Former 1st selectman gets copies at familiar location
  He came, he saw, he copied. Former Middlebury First Selectman Edward B. St. John visited his old office at Town Hall on Friday to examine documents he had requested under the Freedom of Information Act. The documents included information on a new pumper truck for the fire department as well as some legal bills.

  St. John said he spent about 45 minutes making notes and purchasing a few copies before he left.
  “I made some copies and jotted some things down, but I’m not sure it was all of what I wanted,” he said.

  St. John said he plans to talk to local blogger Pat DeAngelis about a similar FOI request he made last year to compare notes...”

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Out Of Control Accountants Of The MVFD

“Lets have a closer look at that

IRS filing done by the Half Chief


Who authorized giving $ 18,623.00 to "members 

in need". Is the MVFD a charitable organization 

under the law?

In preparing the form did Perrotti mistakenly 

depreciate equipment he claims the dept owns, 

yet is actually owned by the town?

Gee, did the half-chief make a big mistake on

item VA concerning money?

Gee, did Perrotti make a mistake in claiming that 

the charity basketball

game took in $ 95,756. and yet had


Perrotti's Pawn Shop--

is it his stuff to sell? HERE

 For example, the $ 134.000 ambulance is owned by the 

town yet is being depreciated by the privately owned MVFD. We 

wonder if this and other items on the list are not mistakenly listed 

as MVFD when in fact hey are owned by the town of Middlebury.”

First of all the MVFD Ambulance was purchased by the MVFD, and not by the Town.  On paper the ambulance itself is co-owned by both the MVFD Inc. and the Town.  The only reason for this is so that the vehicle will be covered by the Town’s insurance plan.  Thats about it.  No taxpayer money was used to purchase this vehicle.  This is one of the benefits of the ambulance billing system.

Here’s some news for Mr. DeAngelis.  Paul Perrotti does not prepare the MVFD Inc. tax return.  I would think that would be obvious since the return is signed by Lenkowski, Lonergan and Company LLP.  These are also the folks that the MVFD pays a substantial amount of money each year to audit our books.  Unless you believe that somehow Lenkowski and Lonergan et al are conspiring with the MVFD to do something illegal, then this is nothing more than another of Mr. DeAngelis’s inane attacks.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

A Message From Time Machine

time machine said...

Has Pattie Forgotten?

Whatever happened to his big lawsuit where he sued the selectmen, the attorneys, and the planning and zoning members?



-- versus --

in his individual and official capacities,

in her individual and official capacities,

in his individual and official capacities.

TERRY SMITH in his individual and official capacities.

WILLIAM J. STOWELL in his individual and official capacities,

ERIKA CARRINGTON in her individual and official capacities,

JAMES P. JOLLY in his individual and official capacities,

JAMES G. CROCICCHIA in his individual and official capacities,

MELINDA D. BURBANK in her individual and official capacities,

THOMAS E. PROULX in his individual and official capacities,

STEPHEN L. SAVARESE in his individual and official capacities,

DANA D’ANGELO in her individual and official capacities

( lots of legal stuff omitted )

17. At a duly constituted Town Meeting in 1996 in Middlebury CT action was taken and it
was legally voted that “the Town of Middlebury is the owner of a certain piece or parcel of land consisting of approximately 35 acres, which land is a portion of a larger piece or parcel acquired by the Town and designated for senior housing …WHEREAS the town has
previously sold to the Middlebury Senior Housing Associates, Inc. a contiguous parcel which is currently being developed as senior housing".

18. At the 1996 Town meeting it was then voted to authorize the selling of the 35 acre parcel of land for “not less” than 1.2 million dollars so that the land could be developed for
“senior housing”.

19. The contiguous parcel of land previously mentioned as being sold was used for the
building of 72 units of Senior Housing. Said Senior Housing was intended and eventually sold to those individuals who had reached a minimum 62 years of age. Therefore it was reasonable to assume at the time of the said 1996 vote that:

a. the 35 acre parcel being authorized for sale for senior housing would abide by the age
62 definition of “senior” held at the first sale of land (1995)and which resulted in the construction of 71 units of senior, age 62, housing units at the site,
b. the selling price was determined by current market forces in effect at the time, i.e., that while the minimum” price was fixed at “not less than 1.2 million” no agreement nor vote
taken stipulated that the minimum price was forever fixed at 1996 market levels.

20. When 6 (six) years later in 2002 the Selectmen of the Town of Middlebury acting
under of color of law agreed to sell the remaining acreage of the land outside the intent of the 1996 meeting relative to the meaning of senior housing they, the Selectmen, acting under color of law furthermore agreed to sell the land for the price established six (6) years
previous to the signing of the contract in 2002 in spite of the rise in real estate values, in
spite of the land now being served by sewer, water and gas lines.

21. The said contract stipulated that land use approvals must be secured before the said
transaction could be consummated. The Selectman, then named the Buyer as the agent for the land still owned by the town EVEN THOUGH (emphasis added) at the 1996 Town Meeting it was clearly stipulated that it was the Town alone that had the authority to market the land.


Ah yes. That was yesterday. Pattie was legitimately focused on Straw Pond back then.

Today Pattie is totally focused on $6 fire call incentives.

The biggest problem today is the MVFD spending its own money on fast initial response vehicles.

Yes, this is the new definition of corruption in Middlebury. Straw Pond doesn't matter any more. Pattie and Eddie will issue FOI after FOI to get to the bottom of this new definition of corruption.

We don't need legal terminology any more. Hell no. Pattie would rather use the language of middle school: "Dumb Ass", "Half Chief", "Bone head", "Dunce".

I suppose he's playing to his true audience, the Ignoramuses of Middlebury.

Wake up Middlebury!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Fly Cars Of The World And Take An EMT-Basic Quiz


  WATERBURY — The fire department has been working for four years on plans to take on the responsibility of being the first responders to emergency medical calls, the city fire chief said Tuesday.

  Fire Chief Michael Maglione said his department would be ready to take over first-responder duties from city police by June....

 ... Maglione pegged the overall cost of switching first response from the police to the fire department as negligible — no more than $25,000 for additional equipment and the cost of additional training.”  See the Republican/American for full article.


Waterbury Fire appears to believe that using firefighters as First Responders to free up police officers is a good idea.  Waterbury Police may not like the idea quite yet, but it is sure popular with Middlebury Police. In Middlebury, if their is a medical call at your home, two police officers will arrive at your door. Essentially, the two patrolling officers are taken off the street.  A First Responder from the MVFD could free up one officer.

The new First Responder vehicle could also be the first step in eventually staffing it with a MVFD trained Volunteer Paramedic. That would further improve overall patient care.


Wikipedia describes the benefits of a Medical Fly Car -

“A fly-car can help emergency medical organizations use their resources more efficiently, sending this smaller vehicle to the scene of an emergency call, where they can assess an incident's severity (especially where there is reason to suspect the injury or illness is not serious) and call in additional help if required.

The units can also provide 'first aid' assistance for those cases which do not require hospital treatment, and can be dealt with by the clinician on site (such as cuts and bruises to non-dangerous body areas), which saves the larger ambulances for other, more urgent jobs.

This can represent a resource saving on several levels, with most fly-cars costing much less than full size ambulances, and because they can often be staffed by a single person (ambulances require a minimum of two crew members: a driver and an attendant).

Fly-cars can also be used to speed response times. This especially applies in areas such as busy roads, where the smaller cars are able to move through traffic faster than a full size ambulance. Some fly-cars also have off-road capabilities, giving them access to areas that traditional ambulances cannot reach.”


This is from the “Evening Sun.”

CHENANGO COUNTY – There is no easy answer to the county’s ambulance shortage, one long-time volunteer firefighter and emergency medical technician says.

“It’s going to take some creativity,” said Glenn Degear, a 32-year volunteer with the Preston Fire Department. “But it’s great that the county is looking at the situation and giving it attention.”

Last Tuesday, in response to the announcement that Superior Ambulance – a private

company that handled the bulk of emergency calls in a number of rural townships would no longer be serving Chenango County after Oct. 25, county Fire Coordinator Matt Beckwith suggested the Board of Supervisors consider implementing a “fly car” system that would add manpower to struggling volunteer emergency medical squads.

“This is a very good starting block toward solving the EMS crisis,” Beckwith said. “There are a lot of logistics left to be worked out. But the question is: Right now, how do we provide the best possible care for the people who are hurt out there in their homes or lying in the street? Right now, this is the best it’s going to get.”


From Red Jacket Volunteer Fire Department in Seneca Falls, NY.

“2003 Chevy Suburban

1251 is Red Jacket's EMT response vehicle. It is the first EMS vehicle out the door for all ems calls. The Fly Car is equipped with enough equipment to handle multiple patients at one time. It carries oxygen, backboards, a scoop stretcher, trauma supplies, burn supplies, etc. The Suburban is capable of carrying four EMT'S. This vehicle is only a Basic Life Support Unit.”


From New Zealand 

Ruawai dinner raises $23,000 for first-response vehicle

By DOROTHY SIMPSON - Dargaville News | Wednesday, 29 October 2008

Getting the Ruawai Volunteer Fire Brigade a first response vehicle was the motivation for the local community putting its money where its mouth is to raise a whopping $23,000 for the cause.

The Ruawai Lions fundraiser dinner on October 18 was described as a night to remember. Organizers say this vehicle will be fully equipped for first response emergencies and will save valuable time and cost by being able to get quickly to medical emergencies before the ambulance – from Dargaville – is able to attend.

Brigade members are undergoing training to handle these emergencies and having this facility in the community is expected to save lives.


Fire Departments throughout the world are using First Responder Vehicles to try to improve patient care in the wake of dwindling EMS volunteers.  The MVFD is being proactive in this endeavor, and doing so at a minimum cost to residents. The MVFD First Responder Vehicle will be fully funded by the Department except for the fuel.

It must also be said that the MVFD needs residents to help out with this growing EMS volunteer shortage. Volunteer your time to help.  The MVFD will train you and help you acquire either an MRT or EMT-B certification. You're not going to medical school. Much of emergency medicine is common sense.  Take the test below and see how you do.

EMT-Basic Test

1) The EMT-B should treat a partial airway obstruction as if it were a complete airway obstruction when the patient  -

A) Cannot cough or has a weak cough, is cyanotic or shows other signs of poor air exchange.

B) Makes a wheezing sound.

C) Signals you to perform the Heimlich maneuver.

D) Points to his mouth or neck.

2) You arrive at a scene where a 22 year old woman says she is experiencing labor pains.  After assessing the patient you learn that this is her first delivery, she is experiencing labor pains but she is not straining, and there is no crowning.  What should you do?

A) Move all non essential personnel out of the room and prepare for delivery.

B) Transport the mother to the hospital.

C) Tell the mother to close her legs and not to push, then transport.

D) Tell the mother to pant while you prepare for delivery.

3) In accidents involving downed electrical wires and damaged utility poles, the danger zone extends from -

A) Each intact pole and from the sides the distance that the severed wires can reach.

B) Beyond each intact pole for a full span and from the sides the distance that the severed wires can reach.

C) 20 feet in all directions from the severed wires.

D) 50 feet in all directions from the severed wires.

4) The ratio of ventilations to compressions during 1-rescuer CPR on an adult is -

A) 2 ventilations every 30 compressions.

B) 2 ventilations every 15 compressions.

C) 1 ventilation every 15 compressions.

D)  1 ventilation every 5 compressions

5) In order for a splint to be effective, the EMT-B should -

A) Immobilize the joint above and below the injury.

B) Only use splints carried aboard the ambulance.

C) Always replace any protruding bones.

D) Always realign all joint dislocations.

6) Anaphylactic shock is caused by -

A) Burns.

B) Severe infection.

C) Severe blood loss.

D) Allergic reactions.

7) The first indication that a patient may be diabetic is -

A) Difficulty breathing

B) An altered mental status.

C) A high pulse.

D) A low blood pressure.

8) If a patient has taken 2 nitroglycerin tablets and has a systolic blood pressure less than 100. How many more tablets can the patient take?

A) 0

B) 1 tablet.

C) 1 tablet if he waits 10 minutes.

D) 2 tablets, each dose 3-5 minutes apart.

9) Blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart are known as -

A) Capillaries

B) Veins.

C) Arteries.

D) Lymph ducts.

10) The best way to control a bleeding wound is to -

A) Apply direct pressure

B) Cover the wound with a bandage and apply a loose dressing.

C) Cover the wound with a loose dressing then apply an ice pack.

D) Apply a tourniquet.

11) Once a dressing is in place, it should never be removed because the removal may -

A) Cause the patient to go into shock.

B) Be painful for the patient.

C) Restart the bleeding.

D) Create infection.

12) You arrive at a scene and find your patient complaining of ringing in the ears. His respirations are deep and rapid. What may you suspect is the cause of the poisoning?

A) Snake bite

B) Ammonia or chlorine gas.

C) Aspirin.

D) Acids or alkalis.

13) One of the first steps in treating a patient who is suffering from an inhaled poison is to - 

A) Remove contaminated clothing and jewelry.

B) Administer a high concentration of oxygen

C) Remove the patient from the source.

D) Take vital signs every 5 minutes.

14) One will lose body temperature faster if you are lying supine on the cold ground rather than standing because of which form of heat transfer?

A) Conduction.

B) Convection.

C) Radiation.

D) Evaporation.

15) A patient should not be rewarmed too quickly.  Doing so will circulate peripherally stagnated cold blood and  rapidly cool the vital center areas of the body.  This could possibly cause -

A) Hyperthermia.

B) Hyperventilation.

C) Cardiac arrest.

D) Seizures.

16) The signs and symptoms of heat stroke include all of the following except -

A) Rapid, shallow breathing.

B) Full and rapid pulse.

C) Dilated pupils.

D) Excessive perspiration.

17) Which of the following should an EMT-B do first when assisting in the birth of a baby? 

A) Lay the baby on its back.

B) Clamp and cut the cord.

C) Clear the baby's mouth and nose.

D) Lift the baby by the feet and slap its buttocks.

18) When treating a child with a fever, do all of the following except -

A) Submerge the child in cold water, or cover the child with a towel.

B) Remove the child's clothing, but do not expose the child to any conditions than may bring on hypothermia.

C) If local protocols permit, give the child fluids by mouth or allow the child to suck on crushed ice.

D) Transport all children who have suffered a seizure.

19) Patient care for the responsive pediatric poisoning  patient should begin with -

A) Providing the patient with oxygen.

B) Administering activated charcoal.

C) Transporting the patient immediately to the hospital. 

D) Contacting medical direction or poison control.

20) When you are within sight of a potentially hazardous motor vehicle accident,  you should do all except the following -

A) Rush up to the vehicle and remove the patient before the vehicle explodes.

B) Look to see if there are hazardous materials placards on the vehicle.

C) Look for potentially fallen power lines.

D) Look for liquids escaping from the vehicle.


1) A

2) B

3) B

4) A

5) A

6) D

7) B

8) A

9) C

10) A

11) C

12) C

13) C

14) A

15) C

16) D

17) C

18) A

19) D

20) A

That was not so bad, was it?  You can do this, and we can help you do this.  Knowing what to do in an emergency helps provide you peace of mind.  It helps you protect your family and also helps you benefit the community. You learn a skill that will stay with you for a lifetime.  It is a skill, which is completely designed to help others.  What could be better?

Monday, January 5, 2009

Wrong About Buses And The First Responder Vehicle

 “The devil is in the details....or, we need a bus

for 8 or 9 people? Who is paying for this bus?

It was very interesting to see how Perrotti spends money ( other 

than his own )when he feels threatened.

A few months ago when a citizen actually wanted to see some 

financial documents that were public info Perrotti was forced to 

attend an FOI hearing in Hartford.

He could have driven there in his car as did everyone else. However 

a bus...A BUS...was rented to take ALL HIS SUPPORTERS TO 


Well the bus was "filled" with about 10 firemen, maybe 9. We don't 

know how much the bus cost but we couldn't help but notice that 

the 8 or 9 firemen who "supported" the half-chief were doing "OK' 

in terms of the amount of money they were making in fire pay. 

Coincidence? Maybe.”

As usual Mr. DeAngelis gets it wrong. The bus in question was a bus Middlebury Firefighters rode up in to Mr. DeAngelis’s frivolous FOI hearing. The bus was not carrying 10 supporters of Chief Perrotti.  It was carrying 10 MVFD firefighters, who took the day off from work to support the Middlebury Volunteer Fire Department. It was an incredible waste of time; a hearing in which Mr. DeAngelis’s lawyer spent over 3 hours finding out important facts such as Mr. St. John was once First Selectmen, Ken Heidkamp once saw a copy of the MVFD bylaws, and Mr. Belden could read the MVFD budget. Read more here.

As for the bus. Who paid for it?  Answer - the bus company.  They kindly donated the services to the MVFD.  It was not taxpayer money, nor MVFD money. DONATED.

To fully understand the enormous stupidity of 

purchasing a "fly" car in Middlebury , take into account the 


a. We, as a town, cannot even fully staff the one ambulance we have.

Many times that is the problem.  We cannot scramble a crew.  There are not enough residents in town who are willing to donate their time to run on the ambulance.  That is why a First Responder Vehicle can help improve patient care. I

b. We, as a town, don't have a para-medic anyway.

c. We, as a town, must rely on Campion Ambulance Service for a 

para medic anyway,

Mr. DeAngelis is under the false impression that every call requires a paramedic and Campion.  That is not how it works.  There are BLS calls, which is basic life support, and their are ALS calls - advanced life support.  Many calls require only an EMT, and no paramedic services at all.

e. Our Police Force are the town's "first responders", as they 

should be.

Most of our police officers have MRT certifications.  I believe only three police officers have EMT certifications. A MRT certification requires only about 40 hours, while an EMT certification requires over 160 hours.  EMTs have a higher level of training.  It is in the best interest of the patient to have an EMT respond as a First Responder.

In addition the Police Department has already stated they welcome the MVFD First Responder vehicle, because it frees up their officers to do other assignments in Town. 

If there is a medical call at your home two police officers will be responding.  That basically takes all the police officers off the road.  A MVFD First Responder frees up the second officer, so he/she can resume other duties.

The cost of the First Responder Vehicle is covered by the MVFD, so no taxpayer money will be used except for the fuel needed to operate it.

The number one priority is to improve patient care.  The ultimate scenario and the best bang-for-the-buck for Middlebury residents is for FD 11 to roll with a crew.  That way Campion expenses are covered by the MVFD and not by the patient.

If a crew cannot be scrambled, using the First Responder Vehicle, at least one trained EMT will be responding to help the PD and Campion.

There is nothing “stupid” about attempting to improve patient care. Everyone in this community can help improve patient care.  Volunteer your time and take an EMT course at Fire HQ.  The MVFD will pay for it, and help you pass the course.  You will not only be improving yourself, but also helping your fellow residents.